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Limitovaná edice trikordéru z TNG na prodej! Funkční displej plný animované grafiky, odnímatelný skener. Cena je $799,99.
Star Trek: The Next Generation TR580 Mark VII Medical Tricorder Replica
Well, if I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it" Dr. Beverly Crusher THE ORIGINAL PROPS The TR580 Mark VII. is a standard tricorder, to which a specialized medical peripheral device has been added, allowing medical personnel to perform powerful medical sensor and analysis functions. Introduced in Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 3, it became the signature tricorder of Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) throughout the remainder of the series. The original props ranged from rudimentary non-functional resin props, with flat two-dimensional decals to suggest details, to more elaborate hero props made with vac-formed plastic shells containing some integral electronics. Different Mark VII Medical Tricorder props were produced at different times over several years, resulting in variances between them. THE REPLICA Factory Entertainment's Mark VII Tricorder replica has been created after careful study of resources in the Paramount Archives and authenticated items in private collections. It is intended to capture all the different original Mark VII Medical Tricorder props in a single blended execution. From the inception of the project, the Factory Entertainment Team wanted to incorporate a functioning LED screen into the replica, partly because it's what the original designers of the props were trying to imitate, but also because a functioning screen is so much more gratifying in physical replica than the static 35mm slides the prop makers had to use, due to period technological limitations. Animated graphics based on screen-used slides were specially created and approved by Paramount. Users can select different animations to indicate GEO, MET and BIO functions. LED screens of an identical size to the original slides do not unfortunately exist, so the closest match was sourced. Factory Entertainment's engineers had to make some minor adjustments to the tricorder body to ensure all the electronics would physically fit inside and function correctly. We feel these small variances from screen-accuracy are more than outweighed by the impressive end results. The peripheral unit of the replica includes a removable hand sensor, with a light and sound feature. The original hero props used a slightly flexible plastic liner to grip their hand sensors, oftentimes unsuccessfully. Actors can be seen in several scenes physically holding them into the peripheral unit with their thumb or finger to prevent them falling out. The Factory Entertainment Team redesigned and improved this feature, using both mechanical and magnetic fixings to hold the hand sensor securely. The socket also includes a chasing LED light sequence inside. Different original hero props featured different sequences. For this replica we selected a running-right-to-left pattern because it was one of the more commonly seen variations. Original hero props were painted grey and then hand 'dusted' with silver paint to create a subtle shimmer that was intended to suggest a high-tech metallic finish. On screen the effect is almost unnoticeable, but under scrutiny the inconsistency inerrant in the technique becomes apparent. Different original props have differing degrees of tone and color. For consistency and durability, the replica has been powder coated with metallic finish that emulates the original paint technique. The body of the medical tricorder is diecast in metal. Other parts are formed in ABS plastic and acrylic. The hand sensor is machined aluminum. Each prop replica is supplied in an elegant wooden display case and includes a sequentially numbered metal plaque and COA booklet.Star Trek: The Next Generation TR580 Mark VII Medical Tricorder Replica is NOT eligible for promotional discounts.
startrek.comRozjíždí se příprava seriálu Star Trek: Starfleet Academy.Kromě dosud ve Star Treku neviděné herečky Giny Yashere se vrátí i staří známí:Robert Picardo, Tig Notaro, Mary Wiseman a Oded Fehr.
SDCC: Robert Picardo, Tig Notaro, Mary Wiseman, And Oded Fehr Join ‘Star Trek: Starfleet Academy’
The Comic-Con panel also revealed a reaction video from the new cadet cast for the upcoming series.
trekmovie.comStar Trek filmy 1 až 4 opět na velkém plátně! Celé odpoledne 20. 7. jako maraton. Ale jde jít i na konkrétní film. Anglicky s českými titulky. Celková cena 560 Kč nebo 170 za jeden. Star Trek: The Motion Picture; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; Star Trek III: The Search for Spock; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.
Star Trek maraton
Událost Film v Praha, pořádá Kino Aero dne sobota, červenec 20 2024
facebook.comWilliam Shatner (kapitán Kirk) startuje už za pár hodin do vesmíru! 🚀
WATCH: William Shatner's trip to space aboard Blue Origin's Rocket - Live
Tune in at 5am PT / 8am ET on Wed. Oct. 13 when actor best known as Star Trek's Captain Kirk, hops on a Blue Origin New Shepard rocket for a trip to the edge...
youtube.comPro ty, kteří se nebojí spoilerů a ještě neviděli teaser ke druhé sezóně Picarda, podívejte se zde!Trailer kromě různých střípků z Picardovy minulosti odhaluje, že se objeví stará známá mocná postava, která může příběhem hezky zamávat. 🙂Za české titulky děkujeme Koraxovi.
Picard S2 teaser CZ.mp4
Soubor MP4
live.comDnes by oslavil 90 let Leonard Nimoy, známý jako původní Spock z Originální série a filmů.Můžete se na jeho počest podívat na některé z jeho filmů, např. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984), Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) nebo si přečíst nějaká jeho další díla, např. autobiografie I Am Not Spock (1976) a I Am Spock (1995). 🖖
Leonard Nimoy
Leonard Simon Nimoy (26 March 1931 27 February 2015; age 83) was the actor best known for his Emmy Award-nominated portrayal of Spock, the half Human, half Vulcan first officer and science officer aboard the USS Enterprise. The only member of the Star Trek: The Original Series main cast to have featured in the original pilot episode "The Cage", he continued the role throughout the entire Original Series tenure, including Star Trek: The Animated Series, and the first six Star Trek motion pictures
fandom.comWilliam Shatner (kapitán James T. Kirk) slaví narozeniny – dnes je mu 90 let!Přejeme všechno nejlepší.Můžete tento den oslavit nějakým jeho filmem, třeba Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989), The Captains (2011), Chaos on the Bridge (2014) a další...
William Shatner
William Shatner, OC (born 22 March 1931; age 90), an Emmy Award-winning Canadian actor, became most famous for portraying Captain James Tiberius Kirk of the starship USS Enterprise in all 79 aired episodes of Star Trek: The Original Series, 21 of the 22 episodes of Star Trek: The Animated Series, and the first seven Star Trek movies. He also directed and co-wrote the story for Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. His image also appeared in Star Trek Beyond, in a photograph that was among Spock's pos
fandom.comCo byste řekli na to, kdyby se Colm Meaney (Miles O'Brien) objevil v seriálu Picard?Herec se vyjádřil, že kdyby pro jeho postavu vymysleli dobrý důvod se objevit, a také příběh, který by dával z dramatického hlediska smysl, šel by do toho.
(Navíc mi stále vrtá hlavou, jak se Miles stal tím možná nejdůležitějším člověkem ve Hvězdné flotile, jak se zmínilo v seriálu Lower Decks...)
Colm Meaney Explains What It Would Take For Him To Appear In ‘Star Trek: Picard’
Under the right conditions the actor would be "happy" to play O'Brien again.
trekmovie.comStar Trek: Prodigy je nový připravovaný seriál, který se objeví během letošního roku na novém kanálu Paramount+ (dříve CBS All Access).Bude počítačově animovaný, od Kevina a Dana Hagemana (tvůrců seriálu Trollhunters), vyjde ještě letos a bude mít 10 epizod.
Seriál bude vyprávět o skupině mimozemských dětí řídících zdánlivě opuštěnou loď Hvězdné flotily. Objeví se tam i Kathryn Janeway, nejspíše jako admirál, a bude ji namlouvat Kate Mulgrew.Uvidíme také nové roboty a mimozemšťany.
First Look At ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’; Will Debut First On Paramount+
The animated kids series features an all-alien crew.
trekmovie.comPřipravuje se několik startrekových seriálů!Ale kdy se na ně můžeme těšit? Tady jsou zatím dostupné informace:
Star Trek: Picard, 2. sezóna ... natáčení právě začíná!Star Trek: Lower Decks, 2. sezóna ... vyjde později tento rok na Paramount+Star Trek: Prodigy (animovaný) ... v přípravě, vyjde později tento rok na Paramount+Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (Pike a spol.) ... natáčení začne v roce 2021, vyjde v roce 2022Star Trek: Discovery, 4. sezóna ... možná příští rokStar Trek: Section 31 ... neznámo kdy, ale stále se o něm mluví
Tvůrci plánují vysílat další Star Trek každé tři měsíce, tak se máme na co těšit.A nakonec se podívejte na nové promo
Expansion Continues In The Star Trek Universe | Paramount+
Star Trek has inspired a new brighter future of adventure, exploration and acceptance. Within the last 3 years that future has expanded with Paramount+ origi...